How to Add a Customer

There may be reasons you may want to add a customer. For example, if your ordering requires a login for purchase, and you have registrations disabled. This would be the case if you're running a members-only order site. 

How to Add a Customer

1. From the dashboard, click the Customers button on the left-hand side of the screen.

2. Click the Create Customer button [+] in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

3. In the Create Customer window that pops up, enter the customer's email address in the E-mail field.

4. Enter the customer's password in the Password field. 

5. Enter the customer's password again in the Confirm Password field.

6. Click the Create button.

The customer has now been created and may log in with an email and password. Once they complete the remaining fields like name, address, phone, etc. this data will populate the customer list. 

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