Promo Codes

Promo Codes are a great way to promote and track online ordering. 

What can be done with Promo Codes

The Promo Code settings are very configurable and comprehensive. I recommend playing around with this functionality so you understand what is possible. 

You can set up discount codes with either a % or fix $ off. Discounts can also be configured to be specific to a dish if desired. 

Here are some promo ideas:

How to add a promo code:

1. From the dashboard, click the Settings button at the left hand side of the screen.

2. Under the System tab, in the Business section, click Promo Codes.

3. Click Create Promo Code.

4. Enter a name for the promo code.

5. Enter a promo code.

6. Enter a fixed price discount that the code will apply or a percent discount.

Enter the remainder of the fields to configure the promo. It is best to know what the promo is going to be before you start adjusting these settings. 

Free Delivery - Toggle Free Delivery on or off, as desired

Minimum Order (Optional) 
Enter the minimum value the customer must have in the cart before the discount can be applied. An example is $10 off orders over $100 or Free Delivery for orders over $75. 

Maximum Order (Optional)
Enter the maximum number of uses for this promo code can be used in total. An example of this will be 10% for the first 100 orders.

Maximum Amount (Optional) 
Enter the maximum dollar amount that this promo code can take off the order.This is the maximum allowed discount the promo will allow. An Example is 10% off up to a total of  $50. 

Services (Optional)
Select the services you want the promo code to apply to. Choose them from the drop-down menu. For example, the promo is only valid for pickup, or only valid for delivery. 

Order Times (Optional) 
Use the drop-down menu to choose whether this promo will apply to immediate pre-orders "Now" orders or delayed "Later" orders. To make it apply to both, leave this field blank. An example would be if you wanted to limit the sales to a specific time which the kitchen is slow, you can set the Valid Dates/Times further down and set this to "Now" so people are not ordering for future "Later" orders. Alternately,  you may want to provide discounts to orders that are scheduled ahead of time. 

Once Per Customer
Toggle Once Per Customer on or off for a single-use promo code for that customer. This only works reliably well when you pair it with the next setting "Logged in Customers Only". If you set "Once Per Customer"   without "Logged in Customers Only" and allow checkout as a guest, the system will attempt to limit the usage based on a cookie on the customer's computer. If the customer uses another computer, clears their cookies in the browser, or uses a different browser, they will be able to use the code more than once. 

Logged In Customers Only
Used to restrict this promo code to customers with an account and are logged in. If this is set, then this promo code can only be used by customers when they login to the order system with either the email, Facebook, or Google login. This is useful to track or limit promo code usage but may cause support issues or customer complaints if they don't know they must log in to use the promo code. If you set this make sure to let the customers clearly know they must log in. 

Valid Dates / Times (Optional)
This setting is useful to limit the date and time ranges when the promo code is valid. You may add multiple specific dates here. An example would be if you wanted to promote Taco Tuesday in May because Tuesdays are slow. You can select each Tuesday and start and end times. You do need to set specific days and times and can't apply recurring times. 

Automatically Apply Promotion
Toggle Automatically "Apply Promotion" on or off to apply the promo code automatically to orders that meet the specifications that you set in the other settings. If this is set up they don't need to know or enter a promotional code they just automatically get the code and discount added when all the other criteria have been met.  

Limit To Dishes (Optional)
Under Limit to Dishes, if you want the promo code restricted to certain dishes, select them. Open the arrow and drill down to the specific dish or you may also select an entire menu (like dinner menu) or an entire section of the menu (like appetizers). 

Free Same Dish Only
If this option is enabled, the free quantity will only be applied if ordering multiple of the same item. For example you could have all your pizzas as part of the free dishes, but a customer would only get a free pizza if they buy 2 of the same type

Disable Promotion
Toggle the status of the promo code on or off. This allows you to prevent the promo code from being used without deleting it. 

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