Adding a Menu Item

Menu items are the items customers order from the menu. Let's take a look at how to add and configure these menu items.  

This is how to add a menu item to the order system:

1. From the dashboard, click the Menus button on the left-hand side of the screen.

2. In the menus list, click the menu you want to add the item to.

3. In the categories list, click the category you want to add the item to.

4. Click Create New Dish.

How to create a dish:

1. In the Create Dish window that pops up, under the General tab, select Standard or Combo dish. The combo allows the customer to choose multiple existing dishes. 

2. Type in a name for your dish.

3. Enter the cost of the dish.

4. Enter the name of the dish that will display to your customers.

6. Enter the name of the dish as it will appear on the order receipt.

7. Enter a description of the dish.

8. Enter a subtitle for your dish, if desired.

9. Select the taxes that should be applied to the dish.

10. Click Save.

Adding dish choices for combos:

1. In the Create Dish window, go to the Dish Choices tab, which will only show if you have selected Combo in the General tab.

2. Click Add Choices, and select from your menus the dishes that will be part of the combo. 

3. Click Save.

Adding options and ingredients to a dish:

1. In the Create Dish window, go to the Options & Ingredients tab, which will only show if you have selected Standard in the General tab.

2. Select any option sets that will apply to the dish.

3. Select the primary option set for the dish. This option set will be required and will have multi-select disabled.

4. To add an ingredient that the customer can remove from the dish when ordering, click Add Ingredient, then type in the name of that ingredient.

5. Click Save.

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