Adding Menus to WordPress

Menus are displayed in WordPress through the integration using ShortCodes. 

If you are familiar with WordPress usage and edit, you likely have come across shortcodes before. Shortcodes is a common WordPress concept for displaying content on a page. 

First click "+ Add New Menu" if you need to add a new menu.

Or, click on the menu name or the magnifying glass of the menu you wish to edit. 

Make all necessary edits to the menu. See this article about updating menus

Once you are ready to display the menu on the WordPress site, copy the Menu Shortcode. 

Navigate to Website Content on the left menu. 

Click "Edit Website Content". This will take you into WordPress to add the shortcode.

You need to specify where (which page) to add the menu. 

Click on Pages

Either select the page you want to add the menu or click Add New Page. 

Then click "Launch Page Builder".

Editing / Updating the Shortcode

Shortcodes are edited in WordPress with the HTML module.

If you create a new menu or delete and add a new menu, the shortcode will change. Each menu has a unique shortcode.

To edit the shortcode in WordPress click on the menu and paste the new shortcode into the HTML module.

Add New HTML Module/Shortcode

Shortcodes are added in WordPress with the HTML module.

If you are adding an additional menu to the same page, or you've created a new page, the first thing you need to do is add an HTML module to the page. 

This is done by dragging an HTML module to the page, then paste the shortcode from the dashboard into the HTML module.

You can add more than one HTML module, but if you are adding multiple shortcodes it may be easier to add all the shortcodes into 1 HTML element, but this is a personal preference.

Then click Done and Publish

That's it. The Menu Shortcode has been added to your WordPress page. 

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